Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today was good for me since we could use Jonas as our demonstration baby (then again that would have worked for several of us ).Even though he was hungry he just loved looking at the kids and he didn't mind the kids changing his diaper one bit (he's definately a people-person!)We went around asking everyone to name some characteristics of babies (what they do). We sang "there were 5 in the bed". We didn't ever get to our baby relay (shucks). the kids really were pretty happy with the hands on experience they got with Jonas and they all listened pretty well!

You guys are really good kids!!

At the end they got to pretend to cry like a baby (this was fun for them since they all knew they shouldn't do this at home :)

Yawning like babies


Snapping babies clothes (Kyler kept mentioning how hard it was, Donna gave up too)
At least they learned a little that having a baby is work!

more snapping........

Ella changing diaper

Everyone did a pretty good job changing diapers and said they would be willing to change them at home don't quote me on that!

All in All it was a good day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

5 Senses Preschool with OH such cute faces!

I thought it would be fun to have a preschool blog where we can all post what we did with the kids and any pictures we take. I will send the password and stuff out so anyone can post to it! Hope you enjoy!

Preschool with the 5 senses was so much fun! Even though I was here alone with 9 kids and a newborn everyone was so good and we had alot of fun! I hope everyone learned a lot about their 5 senses.
We learned a song and the kids loved it to help them remember what the 5 senses are. Here it is in case you didn't get it!

(to the tune where is thumpkin)

5 senses, 5 senses
We have them, we have them
Seeing, Hearing, Touching,
Tasting, and Smelling
There are 5, There are 5

Avery smelling Mollasses. The face says it all!

Ella smelling chili powder

more chili powder

opening extract

Girls just wanna have fun! Oh girls just wanna have fun~

Derek tasting

more tasting faces

the kids thought the cocoa would be sweet, but yuck!

Kyler didn't like the cocoa either

the salt wasn't a hit either

We made lemonade with the sugar, lemons and water. That
was much better than just the lemons alone!

I guess all that tasting and smelling was overkill!

all that tasting got their mouths watering for lunchtime!

The kids loved freeze dancing for their hearing and feeling segment
of the 5 senses!

this helped them get their wiggles out too!

They were all good freezers and it took a long time to get someone out!

We listened to the song "Hot Chocolate" from Polar Express!

Believe it or not Jacob was the last standing in Freeze dance
and Donna was the winner!

I hope you enjoy this new blog~!